
Panos Theodosopoulos (Πάνος Θεοδοσόπουλος)

Hello and welcome to my site. Let me ask you something. Are you a parent who wants to learn more about protecting your children from improperly using the Internet? Are you an employee who needs tips and tricks to use computers more efficiently? Are you a student who needs help to better understand how to use a computer? Are you a beginner IT professional who wants some guidance to solve computer-related issues and properly instruct the people you are supporting?

If any of the above is true, you have come to the right place. PanTheo’s Place is an ambitious project aiming to help all beginners who need to learn more about computers and gain experience in the process.

OK, first, I would like to make something clear. Most of you have seen us, IT professionals, solving numerous problems with computers and peripherals very quickly. You have also seen us provide you with instructions on how you can effectively use the equipment and software; sometimes, it seems as if we have all the answers to your questions.

There are times when you have computer problems, when you try repeatedly to find a solution but cannot. Frustrated, you talk to us and we give you a solution in seconds. Maybe you feel a little stupid when this happens. You are not! You just lack the experience and/or knowledge needed to be such a fast problem solver.

Some of you might think that IT pros are some kind of aliens or magicians. I will tell you a secret. We are not extraterrestrials, neither do we practice magic. We are just as human as you are. Believe me when I say this to you – if we can do all the things I mentioned before, you can too.

If you are a beginner IT pro, you must be patient and try every day to learn new things and acquire experience. You must understand that there is no end to your education. You have to be a lifelong learner. Only in this way will you be able to “unlock” your full potential.

If you are a non-IT pro, focus your efforts on those aspects of the field that fulfil your needs. Books, videos, and sites like this one will help you achieve your goals.

“But how can I learn so many things?” you might ask. Well, to be honest, there is no fast or effortless way to do it. Just like everything else you learn, you have to study. You must be committed and show discipline and devotion to your goals so you can achieve a good outcome.

I hope this site will help you, along with other resources, to achieve your goals.

Thank you for coming here,
